Loft Fire Barrier & Smoke Curtains

Fire rated loft fire barrier & smoke curtain systems

Loft Fire Barrier & Cavity Smoke Curtain Systems

Loft Fire Barrier and smoke curtain systems provide compartmentation of structures, typically within roof voids and above suspended ceilings.


Static Loft fire barrier & smoke curtains are designed & installed specifically to halt the passage of smoke and flame throughout lofts & roof spaces throughout a building, providing fire compartmentation.

Used to provide smoke reservoirs and smoke and flame compartmentation/ sub division of roof spaces and voids above demountable partitions and suspended ceilings.  Ideal for, but not limited to Aged Care Centres.

  • Can be retrofitted with minimal disruption to occupants.
  • Dry installation, no studwork required, simply fixed to existing structure.

In conjunction with any possible firestopping required to penetration rising up through the floor below, we can effectively seal off the roof areas, compartmentise, so to speak.



Fully Tested in Accordance with:

BS.476 Parts 20/22 – Three Metre Square Test

BS.476 Part6, Fire Propogation Test

BS.476 Part 7, Surface Spread of Flame

BS.5438 / 6249 “A” Class rating (Highest possible pass) for flammability


This product is a thin, flexible, lightweight static Fire & Smoke Barrier, suitable for any application where 30 minutes to 110 minutes integrity is required.

Fire Lining Systems - Give us a Call - Tel: 0191 5225787.

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